Модификация паттернов
Начните с простых выкроек
Ищите выкройки от Burda, Kwik Sew и выкройки с надписью "Easy"
Начните с простого, а сделайте сложным. Добавлять или изменять швы намного проще, чем удалять их из выкройки.
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
Внесите изменения на кальке или пергаменте.
Вы можете купить рулоны кальки в художественных магазинах, магазинах для рукоделия или в Интернете.
Шведская калька или Pellon Easy Pattern - это сшиваемые типы бумаги для рисования, которые позволяют легко создавать выкройки и преобразовывать их в макеты!
Сделайте "мокап"
Это первый набросок вашего костюма. Обычно они изготавливаются из муслина, легкого хлопка или дешевой ткани.
Внесите изменения в свой макет, прежде чем вносить изменения в окончательную ткань. Мокап предназначен для ошибок и модификаций, чтобы не тратить впустую более красивые ткани!
Credit all help you had making your costume & make that information available to the judges. This should include any parts you bought & resources you used that were made by others such as 3D print files or character-specific sewing patterns. Being honest is always the right choice!
Never, ever pass off a costume you bought or commissioned as your own. Judges are very good at spotting this. Even if you get away with it initially, the internet will find out! You will get banned from competing & you will get blacklisted by your fellow community members.
Be gracious! Regardless of if you win or lose, don’t take to the internet to voice your opinion on your fellow competitors or the judges. There are many factors that go into choosing winning costumes, and they are often subtle aspects that give the winning edge.
Ask for feedback! If you didn’t win the prize you were hoping for, it’s okay to ask the judges (politely) for constructive notes on where you can improve your costuming skill for the next time you compete.
Свитки знаний! (Ака мои любимые книги по шитью)
Cosplay can be fun or it can be stressful. In the end, it’s up to you what it becomes.
Kindness is key.
Treat your fellow cosplayers with respect. Even if you don’t like their costume, everyone starts somewhere. Keep in mind that everyone has different skillsets and motivations. This hobby is for everyone.
Not everyone cosplays for the same reason as you do, and that’s okay.
We are a diverse community and have a unique opportunity to make friends with people from all walks of life from all over the world.
Offer critique only when asked, not when you feel it is needed. People will seek out constructive critique from others they view as trusted, respected, or knowledgeable sources. Unsolicited critique is viewed as criticism when it is not being given by a trusted person or in a setting that is appropriate for critique.
Remember this is a hobby. For many, it is a vacation from real-life stress & pressure. There is plenty of negativity from outsiders. Build your fellow cosplayers up - Don’t rip them down.